Wednesday 25 February 2015

I am steeling the Spotlight fly in this rainy day
The Dress I wear also says
Dream dream yes my lady dream
As you are the sources of inspiration for me
Don’t get lost by this worldly hour
Time passes soon you would be far
Yes yes time has come.
Begin the fight and reach the heights.
I will steel the Spotlight!
You are not for anyone here & there
Leave all your stupid despairs
Stand up because you are among the few delight
Yes!I am steeling the Spotlight
Catch hold on the senses you left behind
stand on the toes and Upright your back wide
Ready for a new day & and a bloody night
Ya!I am steeling the Spotlight
I am here ! yes here always in front of your sight
Don’t capture the lost souls
For there are many to keep aside
Rush!rush for your former sight
Don’t forget your rules and be alright
Yes I am always I am steeling the Spotlight ;)

By Annie.

Brain – A Gifted piece!

Brain a gifted treasure!
Through which the universe is also measured.
From centuries it is trained
Things are learned & human soul is drained.
Many warriors, scientist & people of different sages
Used it through ages
Some made history
Few were lost in their own dynasty
All is granted this freedom
To free us from our boredom
Great achievement are discovered
Through it some has become murderers.
History is filled with many incidents
Human dies n born with much ferment
Brain is given to the entire race
God is not unfair in classifying the face

Yes Brain – A gifted piece